About us

Shalawam Family we are Israelite brethren that came together as a body, We already was keeping the commandments of the heavenly Father. So the four of us ( the brothers Yeriyah Chazaaqyah Daniyel and Yahswasap ) decided to teach the gospel and the Laws of the Thorah and the prophecies that was written in the Holy bible goals are to gather the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel to show them who they were in  History and in this Time,  so we get to the Kingdom of Heaven ( Who are they you may ask yourself ? The Lost Ones are the so-called Blacks Hispanics and Native Americans! )

Baruch 2-30-31

30 For I knew that they would not heare me: because it is a stiffenecked people: but in the land of their captiuities, they shall remember themselues,

31 And shall know that I am the Lord their God: For I giue them an heart, and eares to heare


We the israelites we houner the most high,by making a possiblities using people to create media, so that we can be conneted with any israelites far off, here you will find Israelite perspectives and educative teach videos  classes, so that you mee follow us and educate yourself in the laws of the most high and do them.