Keeping the laws
The Key things to go in depth is keeping of the laws status and commandments of Moses( laws of God)
All these three theme upon a specific exegesis of Deuteronomy 28:1-15-68
This chapter provides a list of blessings and also curses to be enacted upon the Israelites if they overcome or fail to obey the laws given by God. These are understood as predicting and justifying the Trans Atlantic slave trade.
We failed to keep the laws and the consequences off that, we were brought into slavery with ships and we still caring all other curses untill this day,
We provoked Gods anger by following other ways outside of his moral,(Pslms 106:29) and his anger will be , untill we come back together as a nation ( sofoniah 2:1) turn to his will by keeping all of his laws, status and commandment. able to have an everylasting future world super power in his rigteousness. And the key to get that is by following the laws, status and commandements of Moses( Gods laws).
sirach 5:7