
It will came a time that all  israelites in truth will be measured .in order for one to be saved another must be destroyed Mtt 24;40

In order for the one  kingdom to came trough onother has to be going out.

The scriputre says esau  would be ruling in the last kingdom, but Jacob would rule the last.  II esdras 6:9. the same as Isaias 43:3,

The Most Hight talks plainly about the Egyptions, slaves must be killed off, so that the Israelites can be free.

In order to be saved, you must accept the destruction of the enemies, you can not have both. 

Wisdom of solomon 18:7







In  the Daniels vision that show each kingdom faling so that another could have its time to rule. 

we Israelites spraed thes information  to oure fellow Israelites  so that they can have time  before christ com and hit every sinner of hes people. .you got time right now to repent . judgment can happen eny moment.just like the days of sodom and gomora .the MOST HIGH ons again will shake up lawless nations whit plagues n pestilace  continually .

so your SALVATION is base on work an faith  that you have bild in the law of CHRIST.   Revelation 14:12  

All praises to the MOST HIGH.