new moon
The new moon is a full moon as is menstion in Eclesiasticus 43:7
From the Moone is the signe of Feasts, a light that DECREASETH in her PERFECTION.
Elesiasticus 39:12
Yet I haue more to say which I haue thought vpon, for I am filled as the Moone at the full.
God let you know again, full moon , when is bright.
Other exemple: about our forefather Simiah High prist
Elesiasticus 50:1
Simon the high priest the sonne of Onias, who in his life repaired the house againe, and in his dayes fortified the Temple:
verse 5 How was he honoured in the midst of the people, in his comming out of the Sanctuarie?
verse 6 He was as the morning starre in the midst of a cloud: and as the moone at the full.
verse 7 As the Sunne shining vpon the Temple of the most High, and as the rainebow giuing light in the bright cloudes.
verse 8 And as the flowre of roses in the spring of the yeere, as lillies by the riuers of waters, and as the branches of the frankincense tree in the time of summer.
verse 11 When he put on the robe of honour, and was clothed with the perfection of glory, when he went vp to the holy altar, he made the garment of holynesse honourable.
Job 31:26 If I beheld the Sunne when it shined, or the Moone walking in brightnesse.
Simiah he had rebuild the temple,after he walking outside the temple, with is glourious garment, just like the moon as the forme as it came out, when simiah came out the temple and hade full garment with is hat in his head shining .
In able to be in perfection must be full and bright. doesent came half.
The Most high is compering the moon, the sun, and the rainbow, the same thing in Elesiasticus 43;7.
Genesis 1;14
¶ And God said, Let there bee lights in the firmament of the heauen, to diuide the day from the night: and let them be for signes and for seasons, and for dayes and yeeres.
verse 15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heauen, to giue light vpon the earth: and it was so
verse 16 And God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the starres also.
This is the creation of the sun and moon, made on fourth day, Gen 1:19.
The greater light is the sun, to rull the day, the les light is the moon to rull the night.
this is the first time that the moon is on cene and give light.
The feast of the Lord are occasioned by seseans and new moon, accept the sabbath.